Professional horror masks for professional costumers
Here's a throwback to when I had great fun designing and sculpting our women's full head zombie silicone mask Klawdeen which one of my regular clients had on pre-order. This wasn't just anybody, it was PPP Costuming, a pro-level cosplayer and costume maker whose attention to detail and performances are always off the scale.
Remember that epic Cortana costume build that went viral? Yep, that's her.
How to make a sexy horror zombie mask
PPP Costuming wanted a hot zombie look and a challenge is always music to a mask maker's ears!
We discussed the design and decided that a half and half face would give her the chance to create a real element of shock when she was out in costume. To achieve this, I sculpted the mask so that one side is uninjured and the other has some serious death wounds to make the perfect Walking Dead style zombie mask. We were aiming for something that's great for year-round cosplaying and not just a fun silicone Halloween mask.
I created gory wounds across one eye and backed that eye with mesh which she can see through. This means she only has to put in one contact lens each time she wears the mask, so it keeps the cost down. Next, I sculpted wounds to run from above her eye and down her cheek to give the impression that someone has ripped open her face by tearing at it with their fingers and nails.
Finally, I added a chewed-up ear to her injured side, a blunt instrument wound to the back of the head, and a bite mark to the neck for extra interest. You can see more photos on our zombie mask product page.
Shaun of the Dead spoof
PPP Costuming is incredibly talented with hair punching and gave her zombie mask a full head of gorgeous long hair to complement her sexy zombie look. We think the photo below is freakin' Shaun of the Dead spooftastic! All three cosplayers are members of the brilliant Reel Icons costume club. They do meat-bucket loads of community work and fundraising and I'm proud to be a very active member of the club. The finished zombie costume to complement the mask looks fantastic.
With thanks to 2nd Law Photography for use of their photo.

90-day fiancé spoof
We love goofing around with our masks. I can never resist trying to do something comedy with our more scary horror masks so earlier this year I hooked up with PPP Costuming again to shoot a '90-day fiancé' spoof for Valentine's Day which we called '90-day freak'. By now she had added a severed arm and zombie glove to her costume and had perfected the most brilliant zombie lumbering walk. I joined in as her over-excited date in our Uncle Bingo Scary Clown silicone mask.
We raised a few eyebrows in the supermarket beforehand, casually discussing whether raw diced beef or minced beef would look more like brains for dinner. Take a look to see what we opted for and how the date went (clue: it went badly, really, really badly)...and yes, I did have strawberry trifle up my nose by the end of it. I do like to suffer for my art!