It's great to be getting out and about again and the invitation for Mind Magic Studios to do some live sculpting at MegaCon Live at the NEC in Birmingham in March 2022 was very welcome.
In this blog you hear more about our live sculpting, read our event review and watch our video cosplayer interviews.
Live sculpting and meet the masks
Thanks to all the lovely visitors who came and said hi and chatted about the sculpting and the silicone masks, props and prosthetics that we make. It's fascinating to hear your questions and great fun to answer them. 'How long does it take' was a question that popped up again and again so I'll be doing a time-lapse video soon to show how far you can take a sculpt in a set time period.
Below is a snap of our table featuring some of the masks we brought for visitors to meet, including our Uncle Bingo scary clown silicone mask and Brandlewyn The Ogre silicone mask. It's always a pleasure to see your reactions to just how detailed and lifelike our silicone masks are, from the skin texturing to the hyper-realistic paint finish. Most of you who came to our table thought Uncle Bingo clown mask was utterly horrible so we'll call that a good job done!
You can see some of our resin eyes in the picture below, which you can choose from to customise Uncle Bingo, along with his hair, to make him your own scary clown character. We previously blogged an Uncle Bingo clown movement video and trailer and also a Brandlewyn ogre movement video so take a look if you missed them. Mind Magic Studios love having a bit of a short film fun with the masks when they are finished so also check out our 90 day freak spoof and Brandlewyn's big day out.
This photo below also gives you a sneaky peek of a new sculpt of a very bad ass character who I've loved since he first appeared on screen as an animated character, and was then blown away by after seeing him in live action recently. I'll be finishing and moulding him very soon.

MeganCon Live Event review
MegaCon Live was a well-organised and lively event with legions of cosplayers, a galaxy of guest stars such as David Bradley (Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Doctor Who) and John Rhys-Davies (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Lord of the Rings), interesting guest panels and lots of lovely shopping opportunities.
The interactive weapons demonstrations from TRamp went down a blast (see what I did there?) as did the bounty hunting with the Mando Mercs costume club. Impressive, most impressive was the UK Garrison's parade featuring around 100 costumers which as you might imagine brought the event to a standstill. MeganCon Live fills a much needed void in the comic con event calendar after MCM withdraw from putting on an event in Birmingham at this time of year. Well done and thanks to Bryan Cooney and all of his team for putting on an absolute cracker.
Cosplayer interviews
Here's a short video about the event including a catch up with cosplay pro and all round lovely guy James Deeley of All or Nothing cosplay (Instagram, TikTok). James works ridiculously hard with his costumes and, as a regular face across the country at many comic con events, he is building a great following.
This event featured some of the most incredible cosplay costumes I've ever seen at an event which you can also see in the video below. I look forward to doing some more video interviews with the amazing cosplayers I met very soon, who we sadly couldn't feature properly in the video below due to gremlins wreaking havoc with our equipment!
#megaconlive #livesculpting #mindmagicstudios #allornothingcosplay #jamesdeeley #comicon #sculptor #siliconemask #creaturedesign #sculpting #chavant #siliconemasksuk #realisticsiliconemask